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In today's marketing environment content is king. Your content says so much about your brand, it communicates the voice and tone of your organization and meets customers where they are providing the information, products, and services your customers are searching for. Your content is also responsible for much of your SEO, improving search and engagement with your online resources.

Why is content king?

Content is king for several reasons. It creates consumer engagement, improves brand and web authority, and drives leads. Content is king because you need to make sure your content is engaging and informative. Users will be able to remember your message or products more easily if you create content that is short and sweet and very conversational. Content should always answer a question or solve a problem. Content is king because it answers consumers' questions and demands. Many brands think they can get by with creating long infographics and simply cramming a small bit of text into the graphic. This approach only works for brief user-generated content such as polls. It won't work for long form content such as blog posts.

The importance of content

Brands need to be creating more relevant, unique, timely and personalized content to stay relevant in today's digitally driven world. Smart companies know that content marketing is a powerful tool to increase brand awareness, drive acquisition, increase loyalty, and drive conversions. The next step in this evolution is to create more engaging, human, and authentic content.

Strategies for Improved Marketing

Where do you begin? Take a look at where your organization ranks in your industry. How do your content strategies compare to those of your competition? Are your efforts in place to improve on your scores? Does it matter that your marketing has not kept up with the changing marketing landscape? It does. Customers are changing faster than ever before. They have more power in the purchasing decision making process and they are demanding more from brands. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are utilizing all the technology available to provide the information, products, and services your customers are searching for. In order to get the best results you must build your strategy.

Resources for Finding Inspiration

By accessing our website you will find a selection of great blogs and articles to inspire and instruct. With so much material to discover, there will be days when you just need to write a few lines.


Having a strong foundation for content marketing allows you to take your brand to new heights, all the while maintaining your current customers and acquiring new ones at the same time. Get the rest of your marketing teams on board so that they understand that content is the answer, not the problem. All of these steps allow you to achieve a beautiful result. For help with your content strategy, creative development and effective distribution, contact Content-1 today.

While the app may not see the same growth it sawin 2020, it doesn’t seem like it’s slowing down anytime soon. TikTok reached one billion monthly actice users in September 2021. The company has also been investing in developing its ad platform, making it easier for brands and businesses to create a presence on the network.

Some TikTok stats that stand out include:

  • 69% of US teens are on TikTok

  • 90% of users log in every day

  • TikTok users spend an average of 89 minutes a day on the app

Additionally, the company claimed that 47% of users have “bought something seen on TikTok” and that 67% “agree that TikTok inspired them to shop even when they weren’t looking to do so.”

Given this growth and usage, it would be wise for businesses to take a closer look at TikTok, especially if they serve a younger audience. To learn more about how to use TikTok for your business and how this powerful platform might influence your social media strategy, contact Content-1 today.

Google has rolled-out major updates to its search algorithm. The updates included the new BERT system (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), an update to the core search algorithm aimed at improving the language understanding capabilities of Google.

Google advises that rather than chasing the latest SEO trends, it’s more important to ensure a site has fast speeds, useful links, and well-written content.

In fact, content marketing is so important that overwhelmingly content marketers agree creating content makes their audience view their organization as a credible and trusted resource:

Stats from the Content Marketing Institute include:

  • Content marketing costs 62% less than outbound marketing and generates 3x as many leads.

  • Content marketing has lower up-front costs and deeper long-term benefits than paid search.

  • 615 million devices now use ad blockers, which means your ads are not being seen by as many people.

  • Small businesses with blogs generate 126% more leads than those without blogs.

  • Content marketing rakes in conversion rates 6x higher than other methods.

Even with all the innovation and implementation of AI, chatbots and programmatic advertising, content marketing remains a reliable, powerful way to attract, engage and grow new customers. Content builds relationships with customers in real, quantifiable ways to deliver long-term value for your business. With Google continuing to value well-researched, regularly updated articles, many leading businesses will continue to invest heavily in content marketing.

Attract, Engage and Grow your customers with Content-1

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