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Why Blogging Will Change the Way You Think About Marketing

Blogging for your organization can be time consuming, but the benefits far outweigh the challenges of creating relevant blog content and distributing it to your key audiences.

Why Blogging Is Important

Regularly scheduling blog content to publish will set the pace for your company. People may find you and your company first if you post consistently. As a company, you have to find creative ways to capitalize on opportunities and use the moment to your advantage. We want to establish a relationship with the reader and market toward them, whether it is through referral programs, an event like a conference, or a particular industry segment.

Developing a Blog Strategy

A well-crafted blog strategy begins with asking yourself this question: Who do I want to reach? Do I want to reach a specific demographic or geographic area, a special interest group, or a business-specific audience? If you are not sure, the best way to find out is to reach out to your current customers and see which ones would enjoy reading your blog content. Once you have a specific segment in mind, you can devise the blog content that is most likely to generate interest and comments. Your blog content will be designed to attract the attention of targeted readers and followers who have the specific interests that you want to share. The content will also be designed to attract a variety of target readers.

Quality Content vs. Quantity of Content

The number of blog posts you publish each month is one of the more challenging aspects of setting up a successful blog for your organization. What is most important is quality over quantity. Keep your blog posts short and to the point, because shorter content generates more attention. When readers see that your content isn't very long, they are more likely to take the time to read it and will likely be more engaged. This creates longer-term retention and leads to greater conversions. Your blog is likely to be the first thing visitors see when they arrive on your website. Keep it easy to navigate and accessible and keep your homepage content fresh and exciting. Every piece of content on your website should be consistent with your blog.


Posting the right content in the right place at the right time consistently is a real challenge. Content-1 is here to help. If you need assistance developing a blog strategy and with creating blog content that posts with the right frequency, let us know. We’d love to help.

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