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Looking for help bringing your business to TikTok?

Content-1 is a digital advertising agency located right here in Louisville. Like our name says, we’re all about using the right content to attract, engage and grow your online audience in the right place at the right time. TikTok is fast becoming a marketing channel your company cannot ignore, and we thought it would be a good idea to share some of the reasons why.

1. You Can Take Some Creative Liberties

The majority of TikTok’s content is light, whimsical, and entertaining.

It’s real people expressing themselves in creative – and often humorous – ways. Even if you’re a serious B2B company selling serious products or services, using TikTok for business to showcase your brand has some real benefits.

TikTok users are seeking human connection and authenticity. This gives you the opportunity to present your company in a more conversational way demonstrating that you’re easy to connect with and that you can have a sense of humor. This raises the comfort level for entering a long-term relationship with you.

2. Reach Large Numbers of People, Faster

Despite the app being launched in 2016, TikTok has been downloaded over two billion times on the App Store and Google Play.

TikTok is the most downloaded app in Apple’s iOS App Store, with more than 33 million downloads. This puts the platform ahead of others that have been around a lot longer like Snapchat, Pinterest, and Twitter. That’s no surprise as video content is king across the internet and TikTok is all about video.

Teenagers aren’t the only ones spending hours scrolling through the app. 26% of TikTok users are between the ages of 25 and 44.

TikTok is a widely used platform. Chances are you know a teacher, a dentist, or an entrepreneur who’s an active user. And tapping into the audience is an opportunity for using TikTok for business that you could be missing.

3. TikTok for Business can make it easy to influence

One of the best things about TikTok is that anyone can go viral. It’s not impossible that a person with 0 followers and 0 views can post one night and have a million views the next morning.

This ability to provide anyone with a massive following means TikTok has a limitless pool of influencers to choose from. If your brand is looking to target a particular group of people in a specific location, there is likely a perfectly suited individual who fits the criteria and already has a big following. However, sifting through influencers on TikTok can be an arduous process, and it’s unclear to determine whether a certain influencer is right for your product or service.

To address these concerns, TikTok created the TikTok Marketplace. It is an analytics tool that helps brands find TikTok users to partner with. It lets you access the influencers’ engagement, reach, demographics, views, and much more.

4. Opportunity for Repurposing Content

TikTok videos are generally short, customizable, and can be repurposed across all of your social media channels.

If you’re trying to build your community across multiple platforms, you have the option of sending that TikTok video directly to your Instagram stories. You could also publish it on your website or use it in presentations or onboarding videos. The more creative you get the more brownie points you’ll earn with users.

You want to make sure you’re conveying the same message on each channel. While TikTok may be ideal for lighthearted content, having images and messaging that differ completely may be confusing when someone encounters you on another platform or visits your company website.

5. Great User Engagement

When it comes to using TikTok for business, you simply cannot overlook the engagement rate. The average TikTok user spends almost an hour per day on the app, and this increased screen time means that there are a lot of opportunities for advertisers to reach their consumers. Whether you’re a clothing brand, restaurant, or transportation company, there’s space for anyone to increase visibility for their products or services.

6. TikTok for Business: Budget-Friendly

Many brands are still apprehensive about investing time and money advertising on TikTok, thinking it will be too difficult to set up campaigns and keep track of yet another app’s data. But perhaps the most attractive part of TikTok for business is that it can garner success within any sized budget. It’s still relatively easy for lesser-known brands to achieve organic reach without breaking the bank.

7. Versatile Ad Formats

If you want to learn how to use TikTok for business, the good news is that there are a variety of ad formats to choose from, including:

TopView Ads

This TikTok ad placement is arguably the best, unmissable spot and pops up 5 seconds after the user opens the app.

As the longest video ad format, TopView videos can be up to 60 seconds long and are full screen with both sound and autoplay. You can also add links to internal or external pages to your website.

In-Feed Ads

In-Feed Ads are 9-15 seconds long and appear in between user videos as you scroll through the “For You” page. These are similar to the ads you see on Instagram.

You can include multiple calls-to-action to increase conversions. Brands can encourage users to shop, download their app, or visit their website straight from TikTok.

Another feature of In-Feed Ads is that users can like, comment, share, follow, and shoot videos within the same TikTok video.

Brand Takeover Ads

These are ads that appear immediately when someone opens the app.

Similar to TopView, this is a full-screen static or dynamic display that delivers a stronger visual impact. These ads are comparable to unskippable YouTube ads or bumper ads. Users don’t have the ability to like or comment like they do with In-Feed Ads.

Branded Hashtag Challenge

This engagement format taps into user passion for creative expression.

Featured in TikTok’s Discover Page, Branded Hashtag Challenges give users the ability to participate and build content around a specific campaign theme.

When a user clicks on the sponsored hashtag, they’re immediately redirected to a landing page that features the sponsor’s logo, website link, challenge description, and the most popular videos that are currently using the hashtag.

Branded Lenses

Branded Lenses is a format on TikTok that utilizes augmented reality to bring 3D objects, face filters, and similar effects to users.

These are similar to Snapchat lenses for faces and photos and might be fun to play with creatively as you develop your content.

Contact Content-1

With the amazing growth and engagement seen from the TikTok app, it will be important not to ignore the potential it may present to your business. You may be wondering how to best take advantage of what TikTok has to offer for your business. Maybe you’re not comfortable with the creative process involved in producing video that is engaging to TikTok viewers and representative of your company. You may need help strategizing how to integrate TikTok into your social media channels, and how to target key audiences.

Whatever your current situation may be, As your Louisville Advertising Agency, Content-1 is here to help. We can advise, produce, create and distribute on TikTok in ways that get the results you’re looking for. Link to and contact us to get together to learn how we can put TikTok to work for your business. And hey, while you’re at it, follow us on TikTok!

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