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Debunking Marketing Myths

There are plenty of misconceptions and confusion surrounding common marketing practices for business owners. We took a look at three common marketing myths and debunked them.

“My Business Doesn’t Need Advertising”

This one is especially common among small businesses, and it either leads owners to dismiss the notion of investing in digital marketing. The simple truth is that in the modern marketplace, there’s no guarantee that your business will continue to grow and attract customers just by word of mouth and more traditional marketing routes. Digital marketing is an effective and essential strategy that reaches your customers on the platforms they use every day. Now more than ever, customers are looking to see if businesses have websites and social media accounts, often forming opinions of brands and businesses before they ever set foot inside the door. Having an online presence that engages your audience (especially when your competition doesn’t) is just about the most obvious and easiest way to get far ahead of them.

“The Internet is the Wild West. People will Leave Bad Reviews of my Business for Everyone to See”

Word of mouth is still an impactful form of marketing. The increasing popularity of platforms like Yelp or TripAdvisor means that digital word-of-mouth is more easily spread than ever. Studies show that the majority of consumers trust online reviews from impartial reviewers, often taking a look at these published opinions before making buying decisions. As a result, reviews have become the cornerstone of online reputation management.

But to a seasoned marketer, even negative digital reviews are not the enemy and can instead serve as an opportunity to strengthen customer service teams and internal initiatives. By taking the time to properly respond to and address an unsatisfied customer’s concerns, you are given a unique opportunity to win them over and show other potential patrons how committed your company is to customer satisfaction. Most importantly, you have the opportunity to build your reputation as a trustworthy and devoted company.

“I Just Need a New Website, Not Marketing”

Here’s the truth: it’s no good having a beautiful, functional website if nobody is going to it. And a freshly redesigned website doesn’t mean the number of leads your business is getting will jump through the roof. While a new website can absolutely be a critical component of your marketing strategy, in order to get the most out of a new site, you need to improve the quality of the traffic you’re receiving through smart marketing tactics. And thanks to tools such as funnel visualization in Google Analytics, you can now see how your customers are behaving on your website and whether or not they’re making it to the end of your conversion funnel.

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As the digital landscape is fluid and continuously changing in one way or another, so are digital marketing practices. Need a guide through all the ins and outs? We’re here to help.

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