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The Benefits of Long-Form Content

Whether you’re a startup or an established business, everyone is looking for new ways to enhance the visibility of their digital marketing presence. But producing blog and social media posts is only part of the answer. If long-form content isn’t figuring into your digital marketing strategy, you’re likely to be missing out on plenty of opportunities for growth. Focusing on high-quality, thoughtful long-form content is a great step toward producing content that matters. Here’s why.

Long-Form Content is Great for your Search Engine Ranking

Producing long-form content is good for your search engine rankings in a number of ways. Studies consistently show that the higher the word count of a post, the higher the search engines will rank your content. Producing long-form content consistently will continuously open up new avenues for increasing your web traffic.

Building from that, creating high-quality long-form content will help you to establish your brand as a thought leader and increase your reputation as an expert in your field. Building your brand’s presence and reputation through thoughtful, long-form content will help to increase your level of organic traffic through word of mouth.

People Actually Share Long-Form Content

Long-form content is consistently shared by users at much higher rates. Creating content that visitors find trustworthy and useful is a great way to increase social media shares. Longer-form articles are much more likely to spread across the internet in comparison to shorter posts.

Long-form content is also much more likely to get linked to by other articles, creating a network of opportunities to increase your web traffic.

Boosts Conversion

All of these upsides are leading to one thing: high-quality long-form content generating leads and ultimately increasing your conversion rates. Long-form content with strategically placed CTAs offer a great way to attract readers to your site. An informative article also serves as a convenient conglomerate for your business’s information, preventing customers from having to dig through multiple pages to get answers. This increases the chance of generating leads and conversions.

Long-Form Content in Action

SkuVault, a company helping online sellers conveniently manage their inventory and streamline their warehouse operations, was looking for a way to target their marketing on a rapidly growing sector—the vaping industry. They needed a way to educate potential and existing leads on the benefits of using SkuVault to jumpstart their success in the vaping industry. SkuVault turned to Content-1 to take a deep dive into the vaping industry, telling the story of how their inventory management system could provide benefits to this rapidly growing retail sector.

Unlike a short-form piece, producing an eBook allowed the opportunity to illustrate a detailed perspective on the concept, demonstrating to potential customers that SkuVault is serious and thoughtful about the benefits of joining this field. The eBook offered an in-depth look into why the vaping market is exploding, complete with examples and statistics. This gives the reader a comprehensive source from the get-go, as opposed to counting on the reader to search through multiple pages on a website and searching for their own sources. The eBook also featured a number of calls to action and links designed to direct people back to SkuVault’s site, spurring organic growth as well.

Get in Touch

Looking for a way to spur your online growth? Long-form content is the perfect way to jumpstart your business. Contact us at Content-1 to get started.

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