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Louisville Peace Piece By Piece – An Event Produced by Content-1

Content is shared in many ways and across many mediums, but live events drive ideas and influence like few other channels. Content-1 provided services to creatively conceptualize, plan, promote and execute Louisville Peace Piece By Piece.

Louisville Peace Piece by Peace is an event that brought together Louisvillians who have lost loved ones to violence, who are gunshot wound survivors, or who have suffered extreme violence - including first responders. In a powerful symbolic action, they literally created a foundational monument – a Table of Peace with representatives of these groups contributing elements to the mosaic surface of the structure.

Louisville Peace Piece by Piece was designed to build community and understanding with a focus on the immediate issue of the relationships between diverse individuals affected by violence in Louisville. It also recognized violence as an issue that we can only address together.

Content-1 worked with Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer, local community activist Christopher 2X, Louisville Chief of Police Steve Conrad, the DGCEC and 1619 Flux Gallery to develop the concept for the event, promote it and to bring it to life.

Attracting an Audience Means You Have to Look Attractive

Content-1 developed an identity package for the event including logo branding that communicated the intent of the event as well as reflecting the look of the Table of Peace that would be created. Color palates, and type treatments were also developed and used through many channels including web, print, email, social media and live event graphic elements.

Promoting Peace… On a Budget

Two websites were developed for the promotion of the event. One served as a press-kit website providing members of the media with everything they needed to produce effective stories educating the public about the event. With limited budgets, the free Wix platform was used to host and distribute the sites to the press and public.

A public site was also created where anyone receiving email marketing, printed invitations, radio, TV or print media messaging or social posts could connect to discover more information. Content-1 assisted with the development and implementation of communications through all of these channels. We leaned on the good will of the media through press conferences and direct communications to extend promotions far beyond what could be done with paid media.

Building a Monument to Peace. One Piece at a Time

After introductions, Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer will spoke explaining how non-violence lies at the heart of compassion.

Both Christopher 2X and Chief Steve Conrad, Louisville Metro Chief of Police, explain the symbolism of the piece-by-piece creation of the Table of Peace mosaic that would be built.

An incomplete Table of Peace, stood vertically, at the center of the event stage. The shape of Louisville’s symbol, a fleur-de-lis, was incorporated into the design of the tabletop as the central element.

Twenty representatives of different groups that have suffered from violence (youth, parents, grandparents, African American, White, Hispanic, refugees, homeless individuals, police, first responders and others) gathered on either side of the monument.

Members of these diverse communities approached the Table of Peace. Each picked-up a piece of colored tile and place it into the prepared adhesive within the fleur-de-lis shape.

With the completion of the central fleur-de-lis design, the attending public was invited to write the name of a murdered loved one, the name of a favorite peacemaker, or blessings of peace on an individual tile that they were invited to put in place on the Table of Peace around the central image.

The Table of Peace is now available for use at appropriate locations supporting efforts to promote peace in Louisville. It serves as a demonstrable commitment to peace in our community.

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